Not much information is out yet on who acquired who, but this is what I have so far.
The Boston Blazers, as expected, got 2010 NLL MVP Casey Powell and defenseman John Orson. The Blazers will become the favorites to win the ast with Powell, Mat Giles, Dan Dawson and Daryl Veltman on offense, and new acquisitions Orson and Scott Campbell on defense.
The Colorado Mammoth also got their guy, goaltender Matt Vinc. They also picked up Jarret Park, Marc Burton, Chad Thompson, and Bryan Barrett. Park is a transition player and a veteran of five years who can help the Mammoth with their scoring. Thompson is also a transition player. Barret and Burton will see limited roles.
Here are the rest of the results:
Rochester: Jordon Hall
Minnesota: Rory Smith
Philadelphia: Brenden Mundorf
Edmonton: Bill Greer
Philadelphia: Ryan Boyle
Toronto: Mike McLelen
Washington: Chet Konezey
Round 2:
Colorado: Jarret Park
Philadelphia: Stehpen Peyser
Rochester: Dan Hardy
Minnesota: Tim O'Brian
Boston: Greg Peyser
Buffalo: Jesse Guerin
Edmonton: Matt Alrich
Calgary: Curtis Wager
Toronto: Mat MacLeod
Washington: Matt Zash
Round 3:
Colorado: Chad Thompson
Philadelphia: Jeff Bigias
Rochester: Kenny Nims
Minnesota: Matt Bocklet
Boston: Matt Ammann
Buffalo: Matt Brown
Edmonton: Pass
Calgary: Kieth Cromwell
Toronto: Pass
Washington: Pass
Round 4:
Colorado: Marc Burton
Philadelphia: Dan Cocoziello
Rochester: Mike Evens
Minnesota: Pass
Boston: Chris Passavia
Buffalo: Pass
Calgary: Rob Smith
Round 5:
Colorado: Bryan Barret
Philadelphia: Pass
Rochester: Bobby Horsey
Boston: Pass
Calgary: Brian Spallina
(end of draft)
Boston looks like the most improved team in the draft, but Colorado and Calgary look to have improved also. Minnesota does not appear to have done much to improve though, if I were a Swarm fan I would be disapointed.
Best LAX blog out there. I can now get all my info in one place. Blazers RULE!